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Glenorie Mission Church

“If you become a Christian your life will run smoothly. You will prosper financially, have no illness or accidents and will do the right thing in every situation. If bad things are happening to you then you are not following God properly and He is punishing you for your sins”.

How wrong are these statements if you read what is written in the Bible, God’s word to us.

We can look back to the book covering the life of Job nearly 4000 years ago where God Himself declared him a blameless and upright man who revered God (Job 1:8).

But Job then went on to lose his wealth, possessions, family and health yet clung to the certainty of his restoration in the future (Job 19:25-27).

The apostle Paul around 1950 years ago lists the difficulties of his life as a believer in Jesus Christ in his letter to the church in Chorinth (2 Cor 11:23-28) yet he always had the certain hope of his future restoration (Titus 1:2) and knew that all the bad things happening in his life will be more than outweighed by the perfect life God has promised us for the future. (Rom.8:18-23).

Coming up in October we have locals, missionaries to North Africa, Reverend Gerald Beckett, Lachlan Gage, the religious education teacher from Galston High, Reverend Ken Harding, Kevin Rosolen and in early November, Mark McCrindle from McCrindle Research coming to teach us from God’s Word.

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