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Glenorie Mission Church

Were you happy to accept again that Easter was no more than an occasion to give the kids chocolate eggs and wish one another, ‘Happy Easter’? That’s it, nothing more, easy to deal with, nothing too difficult to think about, even a little time off work, everyone’s happy. It’s all a little warm and fuzzy, just enough to put us to sleep, just enough to deflect a question from an enquiring child. What’s the harm?

Wake up, Glenorie! Let’s start telling our children what Easter is really about. Let’s start looking at the hard questions. Who was Jesus Christ? What was his life all about? What was his message? Why did he have to die the way he did? What is Christianity all about? Let’s start asking ourselves where we stand. Let’s pause and reflect on the real meaning of Easter, the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Jesus was crucified by the Romans on a hill outside the city of Jerusalem a little over 2000 years ago. He was beaten and whipped until he was close to death. He had a crown of thorns placed upon his head. The soldiers and the people mocked him and spat on him. They nailed his hands and feet to a crude wooden cross and lifted him up to slowly die.
We remembered Jesus Christ’s death on Easter Friday.

Jesus died and his tortured body was placed in a tomb. His followers were dispersed and confused. On the third day he overcame death and rose again. On Easter Sunday we remembered and gave thanks for his resurrection.

Why is this all so important? Jesus, God’s only Son, was perfect, without sin. At the cross God placed mankind’s sin and the punishment which that sin deserved upon Him. Yes, the punishment our sin deserves was taken by Jesus Christ. Through Him we can obtain forgiveness, be cleansed and reconciled to God.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16.

Please join us at Glenorie Mission Church, to find out more,

Sunday  Service and Sunday School …………. 10-15 am
Sunday night In (music, discussion, laughs, videos,
friendship and light supper provided 6.00 pm