galston community news

Glenorie Mission Church

The Bible says, “To all who receive Him (Jesus Christ),to those who believe in His name, he gives the right to become children of God, (John 1:12) and there are many more blessings that are yours when you become a real Christian.

Now it’s over to you. If you have never accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour, why not do it right now? It’s not enough just to know how to become a real Christian, we have to act on that knowledge.

JESUS …..My personal Saviour.

If God has been speaking to you as you have read through these messages, and if you now want to become a real Christian, then follow these few simple steps and you can accept Jesus as your personal saviour and benefit from the many blessings God wants to give you.

Confess – tell God in your own words that you are a sinner needing a saviour, (read Romans 3.23 again).

Accept- tell God that you realise Jesus Christ died for you and you accept Him as your Saviour. (Read Romans 6 : 23.)

Believe – that Jesus Christ has accepted you and saved you because you asked Him to do so. (Read Romans 10:13). His written Word, the Bible, gives assurance that God has done what you asked Him to do.

Believe that the Holy Spirit has now been given to you to stay with you and help you live a true Christian life. Read Romans 8:9 and16.

Don’t worry if you don’t happen to feel any different after following the steps outlined above. You may or may not do so. But if you have sincerely committed your life to Jesus Christ, he has accepted you.

After you make this decision, it’s a good idea tell someone today what you have done. You will need to find and join a church where God’s word is taught and where you can have fellowship with other Christians.

It may help to sign your name on the front page of your Bible as a record and future reminder of when you made the decision to become a real Christian.

Here is what you are saying:

Today I acknowledge Jesus Christ as my Saviour and I thank Him for saving me! (by Rev E.C. Long).

Dr Cedric Gibbs will be speaking on Sunday 13th,20th, and 27th August. Come and find out more on Sundays at 10:15 a.m. Glenorie Mission Church 1409 Old Northern Rd Glenorie.