galston community news

Galston Girl Guides Present Another Junior Bp Award

Last year, Galston Girl Guides proudly announced that two of our members had achieved the Junior BP Award. Hayley Trigger also recently completed the required challenges to receive this award. Hayley participated in a range of outdoor and leisure activities, developed her leadership skills within the Guide unit and has learnt to make decisions, set goals and work as part of a team.

If your daughter is interested in community service, learning outdoors, caring for the environment and making new friends then please come and visit us at 414 Galston Road, Galston.

Junior Guides (aged 6-9) meet Thursday 4.30-6pm and Guides (aged 10-14) meet 6.15-8pm on Thursday.

Please contact [email protected] for hall hire or to find out more about your daughter’s free visits at Girl Guides.

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