galston community news
By Councilor Warren Waddell
Long overdue, it was great to see the eastern end of Galston village finally connect to the existing footpath network. Both the Galston Rd. and Arcadia Rd. access points have been paved to meet the complex stairs, which in turn will help preserve the grass and other vegetation.

The disability access continues to be from the below-ground car park.

It will continue to be a strong focus throughout this term to enhance and improve both public amenity and public domain throughout our towns and villages. This includes ensuring our gateway locations are well maintained and destination signage clear.

Rural residents are reminded that Council runs a range of services easily accessible from local sites. The Council website Hornsby.NSW. is the best place to find information, however a summary of just some of the events are:

  • Chipping for Mulch – if you missed the free mulch and chipping service this month at the Johnson Rd. Galston depot, there is another one scheduled at the Old Dog Pound site in Westleigh for 20th March and the Mt Kuring Gai depot 24th April followed by Galston again 21st August.
  • Rural E-waste drop off Rural Sports Facility, Mansfield Rd. Galston 19th March
  • Tech Savvy Seniors – a range of IT inductions for seniors, check online for details
  • And to celebrate Seniors week, “The Riverboat Postman” will accommodate a free 3-hour tour of the Hawkesbury originating in Brooklyn. Bookings essential.

These are just a few of the highlights. Residents should consider joining our email list so details of future events are forwarded directly. I am happy to be contacted on ph. 0499 004 861 or email [email protected]

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