galston community news

Galston Village Amenity

By Councilor Warren Waddell

During my time on Council, I have been approached several times regarding public toilets in Galston Village.

Due to the way the village has evolved, the arrangements are understandably unclear. In particular, for those visiting the village from out of area.

The issue compounded further during the COVID period as the only true public toilets in the village are those behind Galston Library. With the opening times aligned with those of the library, access became increasingly reduced.

Although I will advocate for new toilets closer to what is now identified as the Galston village centre, I felt there were some changes that could assist in the meantime. As of now, the Council-owned public toilets behind the library will be on a timer control and open 7am to 7pm daily. Improved signage will also be installed that better directs people to their location.

Patrons to the village may also be aware that each set of shops has its own privately maintained facilities. Generally, the tenants and staff occupying these buildings have access to those facilities. However, their use may be extended to customers upon request, depending on which complex they belong to.

Next financial year, the Galston Village Public Domain project will advance into its detailed design stage. During that time, public submissions will be encouraged that outline what amenities and their location will work best on Council managed areas.

Galston Village

Beyond Galston Village, there are additional facilities located throughout the rural area including at Galston Park and behind the Memorial Hall at Glenorie.

On another note, it is pleasing to see our request for more frequent and detailed updates concerning Galston Gorge has been heard. Transport NSW are providing considerably more information and across a number of different mediums. This has helped residents better understand the challenges and what may be expected in terms of reopening. Likewise, Transport NSW has agreed to restore the larger car ferry at Berowra Waters.

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