galston community news


Sunday Family Service 10 am

G day again,

Normally by June I’m saying something like 'hope you're staying warm this winter', but as I sit here writing I’m still in short sleeves as this unseasonably warm May continues!

I do trust that you’re going well. We are thanks. We're also pretty busy. There’s programs on for young & old, to keep you active or busy. We also like to sing – a lot. We have both men’s & women’s choirs… & ew arrivals are always welcome.

We’ve also go a Federal Election approaching. A double dissolution, no less & lots of members retiring – lots of change all at once. I, for one, will be praying that we get the government we need, one that governs with best intentions for all. Good luck with your vote!

By the time you're reading this, ANZAC day is long gone this year. But I just wanted to finish by saying what a wonderful honour it was to attend the commemoration at Galston high school. To see the way that the school honoured all our service personal was a tribute to the school staff & pupils as well as being a great credit to our community. Rev Bill Rosier, a retired naval chaplain & member of our community gave an inspiring address on the value & values of our defence forces, past & present.

Just one more reminder of what a terrific community we are a part of.

See you next month, cheers, Geoff