galston community news


Galston Uniting’s Creativity Service last November was both beautiful and uplifting. The Craft Group displayed 31 quilts, rugs, a wall hanging and even a skirt made from men’s colourful ties. Five quilts were sold and five were donated to Westmead Children’s Hospital. Ten rugs were sent to “Wrapt with Love” and one quilt went to a wonderful volunteer who supports the Craft Group and becomes a bus driver when they go shopping for craft supplies. The proceeds from the stalls on the day and sale of quilts went to the Cancer Council, Frontier Services, Parramatta Mission and to the Church.

Children at the Service decorated large butterfly cutouts, then pinned them randomly onto a sheet thereby creating a beautiful quilt highlighting that the butterflies were all the same except for their patterns and colours. The message portrayed was that although appearance also differs in people, we are fundamentally the same. This theme was evident in quilts hanging under the stained glass window which have the same pattern but are in different colours. Helen Knight affirmed that “God has made everybody different, but they are the same inside”. Rev Geoff Smith continued this theme saying that “God created all the complexity we see and one thing we know to be true, God loves us with all of our foibles, with our gifts, adequacies and inadequacies … the simple truth is that God loves us just as we are.” They were powerful messages both spiritually and visually at a beautiful and moving Service.

We’re now full steam ahead for 2019 – craft Thursday nights, KUCA Friday nights and more. Check us out – maybe you’d like to join us! Please contact the Church Office on Tuesdays & Fridays on 9653 2039 for further information