galston community news

Galston Shopping Centre Upgrade

Galston has been named as one of the Town Centres to receive a significant make-over through the public domain plans that Hornsby Council is going to create.

The primary goal of these plans is to create attractive meeting places where people can gather and socialise. The public domain plans will set out design principles, which will then be implemented either through capital works by Council or through agreements with developers.

“We’re not just talking about putting in a few park benches, this is refurbishing the public areas of the town centres from top to bottom,” Mayor Ruddock said. “The plans will include a range of improvements such as upgraded paving, consistent street lighting and expanded public areas with greater opportunities outdoor dining.”

The areas identified as being in most need of public domain plans include Hornsby (both west and east side), Pennant Hills, Beecroft, Asquith, Galston and Cherrybrook.

If you want to keep up to date with this community consultation project, consider joining AGRA (See page 6 for their report)

Other Council works scheduled for 2018/19 include the following road works: Arcadia Road, Galston Stage 1 – Galston Road towards Fagan Park Entrance and Crosslands Road, Galston – Stage 2.