galston community news


Northern NSW Bush Fire Strike Teams

Recently Galston RFB joined Ku–ring-gai 1A on a composite strike team to assist with firefighting operations in the Kempsey area. The strike team also consisted of Hornsby 7 and crews from the Hills and Northern beaches.

For five days Galston firey, David Aslin, was deployed around Whiteman Creek in Clarence Valley, north of Coffs Harbour. After a quick recuperation break in Sydney, he made his way back to Kempsey with Berowra 7 on another composite strike team. He said despite the very hard workload he’d go again without hesitation.

“It was nice just to help out the farmers as best we could,” says David. Being part of these strike teams gives everyday Australians a chance to let their community spirit shine. David recalls the local residents on Bailies Rd, near Grafton, set up a table providing food, hot and cold drinks, and even hugs to the firefighters. One resident, Kelly, would run inside and boil the kettle to bring out hot water for tea and coffee. She also had ice packs wrapped around milk and juice bottles to keep them cold. She’d then pop back inside and make amazing ham sandwiches on fresh bread for all the fireys. David said, “Kelly was the true hero”.

Three new Breathing Apparatus Operators

Congratulations to Galston RFB firefighters Bill, Colin and Liam on passing the BAO course with flying colours. Galston is proud to add another three fully qualified and skilled Breathing Apparatus Operators to the ranks.


Sydney has had its third dry winter in a row and such conditions can mean a greater risk of a severe fire. The bush fire season traditionally starts statewide on October 1 each year but because of the dry conditions across the state some areas may start their bush fire danger period earlier. For bush fire-related information please visit the RFS website: or call the Bush Fire Information Line – 1800 NSW RFS (1800 679 737).

With such dry conditions across the Sydney basin, it’s important to get bushfire ready now. Getting ready for a bush fire is easier than you think. By taking 20 minutes with your family discuss what you’ll do during a fire, you could save their lives, as well as your home.

FOUR SIMPLE STEPS to get ready for a bush fire:

STEP 1 DISCUSS WHAT TO DO IF A BUSH FIRE THREATENS YOUR HOME : Many households find that having a discussion over dinner works best as everybody is together and focussed.

STEP 2 PREPARE YOUR HOME AND GET IT READY FOR BUSH FIRE SEASON: There are simple things you can do around your home to prepare it for a bush fire, like keeping the grass low and having a cleared area around your home.

STEP 3 KNOW THE BUSH FIRE ALERT LEVELS: If there is a fire in your area you will find its alert level on the NSW RFS website and in the ‘Fires Near Me’ app. You need to keep track of the alert level so you know what you should do.

STEP 4 KEEP ALL THE BUSH FIRE INFORMATION NUMBERS, WEBSITES AND THE SMARTPHONE APP: In a bush fire, it’s important that you stay up to date on conditions in your area.