galston community news


Horse rescue
Galston RFS assisted with a night-time horse rescue. The animal fell down an embankment in the bush and was lucky to land on a small ledge before a further large drop. Thanks to all involved, the animal was able to be rescued successfully.

Waterfront house fire
Galston RFS assisted other RFS brigades and NSW Fire and Rescue to fight a waterfront structure fire at Berowra Waters last month. Unfortunately, one house was completely lost, with neighbouring homes sustaining some fire damage. Everyone worked well in a challenging environment.

Training exercise
Galston RFS was one of 16 NSW Rural Fire Service brigades who participated in the Hornsby/ Ku-ring-gai District Exercise recently. It is a series of simulated emergencies and core skills sessions staged throughout a day. The teams demonstrated their skills and knowledge as they faced numerous challenges.

Check your electric blankets

As the cooler weather settles in there’s an observable increase in preventable house fires. Bedrooms and sleeping areas are the leading location where civilian fire fatalities occurred in residential buildings.

While heaters and smoking materials are a high risk for fires within the bedroom, electric blankets are also a known fire hazard.

• Before you place your electric blanket on your bed check it for damage, such as anything unusual like exposed wiring, scorched fabric, or the connector not well secured to the fabric.

• You should never leave an electric blanket unattended when it’s switched on and remember to turn it off when you go to sleep.

• It’s important to consider other hazards in your sleeping area including microwavable heat pads. Last month a 90-year-old Hobart woman tragically lost her life in a house fire caused by a microwaveable wheat bag.

• NSW firefighters have responded to numerous residential fires that have occurred due to wheat bags overheating in the microwave oven or wheat bags being used to warm bedding materials.

• Ensure the wheat bag you purchase comes with instructions and follow them carefully, especially when heating.