galston community news

Galston Rural Fire Brigade News

Gorge tree removal

Recently our firies attended to a tree down in the Gorge on the Galston side near the one-way bridge. Police were already on the scene upon arrival. Our chainsaw operator made quick work of the obstruction, clearing the road for waiting motorists.

Successful recruitment day

Thank you to everyone who came out to our community BBQs and subsequent recruitment day in September.

It has been one of our largest recruitment drives so far, seeing an impressive number of females and family groups signing up to become Galston RFB firefighters.

The new recruits will now be put through thorough training with the brigade before completing the first essential ‘Bush Firefighter’ qualification to become active members. Remember you can join the RFS any time of the year, just get in contact with us for more information.

The arrival of the Bush Fire Danger Period

October signals the start of the Bush Fire Danger Period. With the lack of rain and the immensely dry conditions, the RFS is urging residents living in or near bush fire prone areas to prepare themselves, their families and homes for the threat of bush fire this season.

Download and complete a Bush Fire Survival Plan from www.rfs.nsw.

As a reminder, Fire Safety permits are required (in addition to the Council Permit) in order to undertake any private pile burns within the Bush Fire Danger Period.

Brigade Contact Details:
Duty mobile: 0491 119 152
Email: [email protected]