galston community news

Galston Rural Fire Brigade News

Man trapped under car

The Galston RFB crew attended an early morning call near the Galston Club on Arcadia Road recently. They assisted other emergency services free a man trapped under a car after he had allegedly jumped onto the bonnet of the car. He sustained a broken leg from the incident.

Hazard Reduction Season

The cooler weather provides better conditions to perform hazard reductions. A hazard reduction may use a controlled burn as one way of preparing for future bush fires.

While hazard reduction burning is strategically planned to minimise the potential impact of smoke on public health however, some members of the community may need to take action to mitigate the risks of smoke from hazard reduction burning by planning ahead.

You can get updated information on where and when hazard reduction burns will be taking place by going to and selecting the ‘Fire Information’ tab.

Galston member profile

Each month this year the Galston Rural Fire Brigade will feature a short interview with one of our members. It is a great way to discover just how diverse your local fire brigade can be.

Duty mobile: 0491 119 152
Email: [email protected]
