galston community news

Galston Public School

The two kindergarten classes of K/1W and KB are settling into school very nicely. They are making a smooth transition into ‘BIG’ school and many have already made new friends.

An SRC Induction Assembly will be held shortly for the 2018 Student Representative Council leaders who were recently elected. These representatives are keenly looking forward to representing their respective class and also enthusiastically organising many fundraising ventures for this year.

Library Monitors for 2018 have also been chosen. Throughout the year these monitors will undertake a variety of responsible library duties such as caring for library resources and ably assisting our school librarian.

Our School Captains and Vice Captains attended a Hornsby and Dural Network Leadership Camp at Vision Valley. Whilst there they participated in teamwork activities, gained some insights into public speaking and met other student leaders from nearby schools. Overall they had a great time and are looking forward to drawing on their experiences and knowledge from the camp to assist them in their roles this year.

Positions for Sport House Captains and Vice Captains were keenly applied for and at the annual swimming carnival enthusiastic competitors demonstrated true Galston Public School spirited competition and exemplary sportsmanship. A courageous and determined team will now go to compete at the Beecroft Zone PSSA Swimming Carnival which will be held at Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre, Homebush.

If you would like to know more about our awesome school please contact the school office (9653 2062) and all your questions will be happily answered.