galston community news

Galston Public School

In the last week of term all students contributed to the making of beautiful wreaths to commemorate the Anniversary of the landing at Anzac Cove in Gallipoli. A very moving ANZAC service was then held in the school hall. Students at Galston Public School are now once again on their way to enjoying an exciting and busy Term 2.

Well done to our Stage 3 students who were wonderful ambassadors for their school during their camp at Point Wolstoncroft. They displayed excellent behaviour while having a go, challenging themselves and learning new skills with all of the different activities. Everyone, including the teachers, came home tired but exhilarated after having three days at this awesome camp.

The annual Cross Country carnival which was held in the school grounds involved all students from Kindergarten to Year 6. They participated with great energy and sportsmanship. Students ran their hearts out and used enthusiastic voices to cheer for their respective sport houses. As always, our carnivals are supported by an amazing team of teachers and wonderful parents who assisted as course marshals and also provided a special lunch menu. Staff and students couldn’t do without them! A courageous and determined team will now go to compete at the Beecroft Zone PSSA Carnival.

Stage 2 students had a fantastic day when they experienced ‘stepping back in time’ during the Colonisation of Australia from 1788-1809. With authentic equipment, real-life anecdotes, songs and events from the past, the Colonial Show was an engaging and interactive experience for students to learn about Australian history.

Students are enthuastically participating in the Fit Futures program which commenced this term. The focus of this program is the development of correct running techniques and skills for athletics in a fun and engaging format.

Kindergarten Enrolments for 2018 are now being taken. If you have a child who will be enrolling next year, please assist us by completing an enrolment form, available from the office. Please bring your child’s birth certificate/passport and immunisation documents with you. Your assistance in this matter helps our planning for next year. If you are aware of a family in the area with a child who will be enrolling in Kindergarten next year, please ask them to contact the school office.

If you would like to know more about our awesome school, please contact the school office (9653 2062) and all your questions will be happily answered.