galston community news

Galston Public School

A colourful Easter hat parade, a visit from a very happy and energetic ‘Easter Bunny’ and a delicious morning tea of hot cross buns under the school’s beautiful leafy trees was an especially fitting end for Term 1. Galston Public School students have much to be proud of. Their efforts have ensured a wonderful and productive start to the year.

The two kindergarten classes KW and KB have settled in very well to their class routines. They are engaging and enjoying interesting class activities and almost too soon, it will be the end of their ‘big’ first school term.

As part of their History program students from Stage 1 have been learning about how people lived in the past. Classes 1P and 1/2W recently went on an excursion to the Hornsby Shire Historical Society Museum. It was amazing! It was also great fun to see a classroom from the olden days, although it was a bit scary because the teachers were very strict! Students were surprised to learn that people lived without washing machines, microwaves, fridges and most importantly computers. Children back then didn’t even know what an iPad is!

School Captains Jesse and Madison, and Vice Captains Mannix and Emmi are setting an excellent standard by demonstrating responsible leadership with all their respective duties.

At the Beecroft Zone PSSA Swimming Carnival which was held at Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre, Homebush recently, a courageous and determined Galston Public School team competed. The day was a great experience for the them. The competition was tough and tiresome, however all the students swam competitively and proudly represented their school.

If you would like to know more about our vibrant school, please contact the school office (9653 2062) and all your questions will be happily answered.