galston community news


What an amazing effort for our little school. Generous donations from our wonderful parents for the Farmers’ Fundraiser has enabled close to $2,000 being raised for two charities namely, ‘Water4West’ and ‘Drought Angels.’

Also, due to the very generous sponsorship of the school P & C and the Bendigo Bank, Galston Branch new playground equipment with an accompanying sandpit has been built. At a ceremony held recently to officially open this wonderful playing area both Mrs Kim Alsdorf P & C President and the manager of the bank, Mr Gary Mangan were thanked for their outstanding generosity.

Courageous and determined efforts were displayed by Galston Public School’s Athletics Team which competed in the Beecroft PSSA Zone Athletics Field Events carnival. What a fine group of sporting ambassadors these students were. Two students participated in high jump, long jump, shot put and the 800m heats. Amber T. was placed 1st in high jump and 2nd in shot put and Sarah B was placed 1st in long jump. Both these students have qualified for the Sydney North PSSA Regional Athletics Carnival.

More sporting news. At the Beecroft PSSA Zone Athletics Track Carnival a number of students did extremely well in the finals with Amber T., Sarah B. and Alannah (AJ) qualifying for the Sydney North PSSA Regional Track Carnival. As well, Amber T. was named 11 Year Girls Age Champion this year – a HUGH achievement. We are very proud of her.

At the Hills Public Speaking Competition held earlier this term Annabelle L, Michael B, Cooper F and Aiden B performed incredibly well against representatives from eight other schools. Annabelle and Cooper both received Highly Commended for their speeches.

Something very exciting is underway in the playground. Belinda Nadwie who is a talented local artist along with a group of parents are presently organising and painting an impressive Australian birds (which are local to the Galston area) mural on the southern side of the Assembly Hall. We are all waiting with great anticipation to see this beautiful addition to our school.

Kindergarten Parent Information afternoon and morning Orientations will be held over three weeks in November and the last one being in December. The parent information session will be held on Wednesday afternoon the 14thth November, 2018 from 5:30pm to 6:30pm with the following Orientation days being each successive Wednesday (21st, 28th , and the 5th of December) from 9am to 10am.

If you are thinking of enrolling your child please come along and you will find out about the wonderful programs which have been planned for Kindergarten children in 2019. You will also be able to meet other parents and enjoy a chat over coffee and cake.

So if you would like to know more about our stunning school, please contact the school office (9653 2062) and any questions you have, will be happily answered.