galston community news

Galston KU News

Welcome back to term 2! In week One we received fantastic news…. Our preschool has been rated as Exceeding the National Quality Standard across all 7 Quality Areas!

The National Quality Standard (NQS) sets a high national benchmark for early childhood education and care services in Australia. The NQS includes 7 quality areas that are important outcomes for children. Services are assessed and rated by their regulatory authority against the NQS, and given a rating for each of the 7 quality areas and an overall rating based on these results.

The 7 Quality Areas are:

1. EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM AND PRACTICE Your child is supported to participate in play and learning

2. CHILDREN’S HEALTH AND SAFETY Your child is protected from illness and hazards

3. PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT Your child plays in a safe and well maintained environment

4. STAFFING ARRANGEMENTS There are enough qualified staff to give your child the attention he or she need

5. RELATIONSHIPS WITH CHILDREN Your child is made to feel supported and welcomed

6. COLLABORATIVE PARTNERSHIPS WITH FAMILIES AND COMMUNITIES Local community involvement and respect for the beliefs and values of families

7. GOVERNANCE AND LEADERSHIP Your child is cared for in a positive and well managed environment

We have also joined the ECO Smart Pilot program where we are committed to supporting the children and families to live more sustainably. We have embedded a number of sustainable practices here at preschool such as our native bees, compost bin, worm farm, vegetable garden, recycling our waste, reducing plastics to name a few.

The Big Ideas we will explore with children.

• There is only one Earth which is our home that we share with many.
• Many species live on this planet Earth
• Our Earth provides for us all to live
• How do we protect our Earth

We look forward to working with the children & families on sustainability. We will soon be enrolling for 2020, please contact our Director Rebecca Onslow if you would like further information or to visit on 9653- 2252 or at [email protected].

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