galston community news

Galston High School – Farewell Year 12

At the end of term 3, six years of hard work culminated in a week of celebration and recognition of Year 12’s achievements. The staff vs student soccer match is a longstanding tradition where students try their best to dominate their teachers, and sadly for Year 12, staff were able to continue their dominance 2-1. More importantly, there were no serious injuries to the aging staff who still think they can channel Tim Cahill.

After breakfast with the teachers on Wednesday of Week 10, Year 12 were whisked away to a secret location for their picnic day. Bobbin Head proved to be a great place for Mr Cosgrove to reveal his super soakers and ensure that everyone became involved in his campaign. That evening, Year 12 returned to graduate, and while emotions were high, the real tears fell the following morning at the Farewell Assembly as Year 12 had their final opportunity to farewell their younger peers and have the roll marked one last time. This was followed by the formal, which was held at the opulent Oatlands House. Each and every student put their best dressed foot forward and danced the night away to celebrate and unwind after a tough but rewarding year.

All the staff and students at Galston High School bid Year 12 a fond farewell and wish them all the best in their HSC and future careers. We look forward to hearing of their future successes as they carve their own path in the world that awaits them, and hope they remember their days as a student of Galston High School with fondness and pride.