galston community news

Galston Garden Club

Spring is in the air, with warm days encouraging some of the blossoms to bloom, and daffodils are appearing. Our Open Gardens Committee and the garden owners who will be opening their gardens are now in full swing getting things organised for the Open Gardens Weekend on 20th-22nd October 17. This is our major fundraiser for the year and many charities benefit, as all profits go to the charities that have been selected by the garden owners and the committee. We have 8 beautiful gardens, all different with a variety of ideas and displays we can all emulate in our own gardens, big and small. So walking shoes on, cameras at the ready. Let’s look at four of the gardens and head on up to “Highlands” in Arcadia, a park styled garden with meandering pathways through woodlands, formal gardens and a large collection of roses. This is the first time the garden has been open. Still in Arcadia, “Paradise Found” has a Balinese hut and rainforest style plantings with a wide range of perennials, rose gardens and shade house. Going out towards Glenorie to another first timer is “Gleneagle” a modern style garden established from an empty paddock 10 years ago, the living areas are beautifully integrated with the house and there is a lot of garden art to appreciate. As you start to make your way back to Galston and Dural “Boulevarde” in Mid Dural was open a few years ago so it will be lovely to see how this garden has continued to evolve. This property has natural rock outcrops, with large sculptures and home to a great collection of native plants as well as a conifer garden and smaller exotics plus the added bonus of a shade house and hot house which contain an interesting collection of unusual plants. We’ll check out the other four next month.The gardens are open from 9.30- 4.30 tickets are $20 which gives entrance to all gardens, or $5 per garden, children under 18 free. For enquiries: Bill Fleming 9653 2394, check our website or email: [email protected]

We had a large turnout for our August meeting, a clear indication that our guest speaker Ross Campbell from Camellia Grove Nursery Glenorie is popular, especially when he brings beautiful plants to sell at greatly reduced prices. Ross gave us a brief history of Camellia Grove from its days at St Ives to its present site. He then followed up with care tips, fertilizing and pruning of the various types of camellias. It seems we all had questions about our own camellias which Ross patiently answered. The next day, members went on a tour of Camellia Grove, followed by morning tea at their new Café Sasanqua. An enjoyable day was had by all especially admiring the huge variety of flowering camellias. There were difficult decisions to be made as to how many would actually fit in the car, let alone the garden!

Our President Mark brought to members’ attention an increase of the invasive weed grass from Sth Africa Ehrharta Erecta. It is easily spotted, long and a lighter green than most native grasses, it also pulls out quite easily. It is becoming quite prolific and he urged all gardeners to be on the lookout for it and to dispose of it in a bag in the bin to help prevent it from spreading.

Our guest speaker for September will be Stuart from Sydney Frangipani. He will be speaking about Frangipani’s and giving a grafting demonstration.

Garden Club meets on the 2nd Weds of the month at the Galston Community Centre 37 Arcadia Rd., Galston 8.00pm, new members are warmly welcomed. For other information, visit our website: