galston community news

Galston Garden Club

A beautiful garden, music & lunch at the grand old Carrington Hotel Katoomba was the outing in April. Garden members started early for a full day heading to Bebeah at Mt Wilson where there was a guided tour of this lovely old garden. Bebeah is one of the original large garden estates of Mt Wilson, having been built by Edward Cox in 1880. Today, this garden has been completely rejuvenated, restored and reshaped under the caring hand of Barry Byrne, the current owner. There was plenty of time for some personal wandering around to be inspired & then it was back on the bus to The Carrington where members lunched while being entertained by a musical recital. Everyone came back tired, well fed, full of garden ideas & the music ringing in their ears.

What a night, what a delight is the only way to describe our Q & A meeting. Our panel of Elizabeth Swane, Judy Horton & Sue Montgomery were informative, funny, knowledgeable & enthusiastic as they answered members & guests questions. Members were delighted with the opportunity of having their queries & questions answered; from identifying plants & trees, to growing tips, weed control, to where to find peanuts to grow in your garden and suggestions to the best type of plant to put into a particular spot, these three ladies gave us a great night! The hall looked amazing as people brought in their plants & the question they had about it. Then there were a huge number of plants brought for Show & Tell – this is a favourite spot for members to show us an unusual plant they have or when they finally got that plant to flower or fruit! Or just to show us what is in flower in their garden at the moment. Truly a fun night & packed with members & guests.

Save the date for the Galston Open Gardens Week-end Fri 20 th , Sat 21 st & Sun 22 nd October 2017.

Garden Club meets on the 2 nd Weds of the month at the Galston Community Centre 37 Arcadia Rd., Galston 8.00pm, new members are warmly welcomed. For other information, visit our website:

Our guest speaker next month is Brent Tallis from Overland Nursery.

Glenn Truelove