galston community news


The Bromeliad Society of Australia will hold their next meeting at Federation Pavilion, Castle Hill Showground on Saturday, 10 June commencing at 11am with plant sales, prior to the meeting at 12 noon.

Access is via the new Showground entrance off Showground Road into Doran Drive, Castle Hill.

“Guest speakers will be Maureen Johns an expert on scale insects on bromeliads. Scale on any plant can be destructive but on bromeliads it can compromise the vigour of the plant drastically as well as being very unsightly. said Ian Hook, President – Bromeliad Society of Australia.

Two types of scale are partially nasty pests, common scale and the much harder to eradicate, fly speck scale. Maureen will discuss how to identify these pests as well as the means with which we can deal with them” he said BSA meetings include plant sales, club news, raffles and competitions as well as providing an opportunity to meet with like-minded people in a friendly and inviting environment. Contact Ian Hook – mobile 0408202269, email: [email protected] Website:
