galston community news

Galston Garden Club

GARDEN CLUB MEMBERS were out and about again, this time they rugged up and headed down to the Bowral Plant Fair and Open Gardens in the southern Highlands in May. The Bowral Plant Fair is always such a temptation with so many of the growers there with a wide variety of plants for sale. Then it was time to ramble around some of the beautiful cool climate gardens that were also open. There was plenty of inspiration and new ideas. It was the perfect opportunity to check out how the acorn tree we donated to the Southern Highlands Botanical Gardens a few years ago was doing and I might say it is doing quite well, growing strongly and producing acorns. Our guest speaker for May was David Banks and he spoke on the colourful and bizarre world of Orchids. It was certainly a very scientific, yet extremely interesting, evening. David explained and stressed how important it was to use the correct scientific name to correctly identify plants, so that when you purchase a plant you know, with certainty, you are going home with the correct plant, so many have generic names or the same name for a number of different plants. A tip from David…. try to find the elevation where your orchid originates from, the elevation indicates the weather conditions of where the orchid grows, then try to mimic these conditions for greater success in growing your orchid when you get it home.

It was then off for another ramble as 30 gardening enthusiasts strolled around Alan Beard’s amazing bromeliads, with such a variety of colour…decisions, decisions, which one to buy? Then it was on to Carmine Camilleri’s fuchsia Nursery where Carmine gave a talk on the care and attention required for these beautiful plants. After being let loose in her shade house there were many treasures added to the already full car boots!

Our guest speaker for June was Donna Fitton from Hornsby Council who spoke on Councils 20,000 trees for 2020. Council is planning to increase its green canopy by the end of 2020, by planting 20,000 trees in recreation areas, roadside and encouraging property owners to plant more trees, by offering free native trees. It was an interesting and lively discussion as there were many questions about tree management, trimming/removing dangerous trees and the destruction of tree canopy by electricity companies.

OPEN GARDENS WEEKEND: there are 9 gorgeous gardens being prepared for the Galston Open Gardens weekend. We are pleased that four of the gardens will be open for the first time, as well a couple of favourites that haven’t been open for a few years. So mark Fri 18th – Sun 20th October in your diaries and get your cameras ready!

Please note new start time of 7.30pm! The Galston Garden Club meets on the 2nd Weds of the month at the Galston Community Centre 37 Arcadia Rd., Galston 7.30pm, new members and visitors are warmly welcomed, as well there is a lovely supper provided. For more information, visit our website: