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Galston Garden Club

The Christmas decorations are put away for another year and we’ve sung “Auld Lang Syne” for 2018 as we toasted in the New Year. With our last official meeting in November; club members gathered one more time in December for our Christmas party held at the Galston Community Centre and as usual members out did themselves with all the beautiful food that was brought to celebrate another successful year for the Club. It was a great evening to relax with lots of laughter and fun. We were pleased to have Masonicare join with us and present a cheque to the charity Fragile X, Masonicare matched the club’s donation from the Open Gardens Weekend. Over $30,000 was raised from the Open Gardens Weekend and funds have been distributed to 31 charities.

2018 was filled with a lot of fun as we went on rambles and outings organised by our Social Committee, had interesting and hilarious guest speakers, welcomed new members and as well we sadly farewelled the passing of several long time members. The community centre has looked absolutely beautiful as members brought in plants and flowers to show and tell, adding to the colour has been the Trading Table that is a real favourite with members who want to pick up that extra special plant or grab some of the free cuttings from the cuttings table. Those on supper supplied us with yummy food each month to have with a cup of tea…or coffee, at the end of the meeting as members mingled and made new friendships.

The Galston Garden Club continues to grow with new members coming each month, we have welcomed quite a few visitors who come to check us out and often stay to become a member. Currently we have close to 190 members on the roll and while it is a large club it retains its friendliness with someone always willing to share their tips and hints on gardening to new gardeners.

Galston Garden Club Meetings resume on the 13th February 2019 with an AGM followed by the General Meeting. Our guest speaker will be Judy Horton our Patron and tour guide with Botanica. Judy will be speaking on her recent tours to Japan and USA

Garden Club meets on the 2nd Weds of the month at the Galston Community Centre 37 Arcadia Rd., Galston 8.00pm, new members and visitors are warmly welcomed. For other information, visit our website:

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