galston community news

Galston Garden Club

Nine wonderful gardens, 3 beautiful days, many friendly faces & 100’s of visitors, our garden owners did a magnificent job of presenting their gardens. Through the difficulties of drought for months prior to the Open Gardens Weekend, then torrential rain the week before & threat of more torrential rain on the Sunday – which thankfully didn’t happen while the gardens were open! Nothing dampened the spirit of the weekend.

Our Open Gardens weekend was again very successful with garden owners & Galston Garden Club members going that extra mile to make the visits enjoyable for all who attended. A huge thanks goes to the Open Gardens committee & to the garden owners who not only open their gardens but who work very hard to present them so beautifully and then are so willing to pass on their knowledge, experiences & to talk about their gardens. This year over $30,000 was raised and will be distributed to the various charities selected by the garden owners & the Open Gardens Committee.

A change is as good as a holiday & with the Galston Community Centre under maintenance our November meeting was moved to the Arcadia Community hall and it looked a treat. There were flowers & plants everywhere, Epiphyllum on the Social committee table, hydrangeas & camellias on the Executive table, lots of plants for sale on the trading table & cuttings of geraniums, salvia & impatiens niamniamensis (you’ll have to come along to find out what this is-not your ordinary impatien!) as well as the plants we have each month to raffle, the hall looked beautiful. After the formalities of the general meeting were done & the 2019 Executive nominated prior to the AGM in February 2019, our final General meeting was a Q & A night with Judy Horton (our Patron), Bill Fleming & Pam Watson fielding the many questions members had about their gardens & plants. The questions ranged from plants not doing what they should, weeds invading, what were the best fertilisers to use on a variety of plants, what to do with suckering shrubs & trees, when to prune various shrubs, roses & flowers to what plant is that growing in my garden! As well as many others, at times serious & other times hilarious our three panellists did a wonderful job & members gained valuable knowledge & skills.

So on that note, we wish you all a Merry Christmas, Garden Club Meetings resume on the 13th February 2019 with a General Meeting & AGM.

Garden Club meets on the 2nd Weds of the month at the Galston Community Centre 37 Arcadia Rd., Galston 8.00pm, new members & visitors are warmly welcomed. For other information, visit our website: www.galstongardenclub.