galston community news

Galston Garden Club

A cold July night…. State of Origin…. & where is everybody? Well at Garden Club of course having a hoot of a night at our July meeting! What a good number turned up to hear our guest speaker Brian Chapman of Power Planter, and did he keep members in stitches of laughter with his easy banter with his audience, I don’t think any of us will forget the rapport between him & Luigi!

A natural & very humorous speaker Brian entertained us with his exploits of developing, designing & building his own garden, then moved on to his buying trips to America, where he let us in on the next new product he will be bringing into Australia & the many ideas he has sourced from his trip. Then there was the Power Planter, what a great tool for the gardener, easily breaking up the ground and making it so much easier to plant into the soil.

This tool makes planting bulbs a breeze, taking only seconds the hole is dug & the bulb goes in. Brian explained its versatility & ease of use. He also implored us to watch the tutorial, once purchased, so that the Power Planter was used to its full potential, as well as answering any questions you might have. With its life time guarantee it certainly is a handy addition to the gardener if the sales were anything to go by.

Our Social Committee has been very busy organising Guest Speakers of interest, day trips & a weekend away. Coming up is a visit to the St Ives Wildflower Garden in July, with a guided talk from the Ranger, a lunch at Mooney Mooney in August, a trip to the Illawarra Grevellia Gardens with lunch at the Buddhist Temple followed by an afternoon at Hans Van der Hum’s garden where afternoon tea will be served by members of the local garden club. Then there is a weekend away planned for in September to the Hunter Valley Gardens & other places of interest. Available to members only we would love to see you come along & join us as a member.

Preparations are well underway now for the October Open Gardens weekend with brochures being distributed by members. Many thanks go to our major sponsor the Bendigo Bank who donated the money for the printing of the brochures. We will be presenting 9 gardens on 19th, 20th & 21st October. Come along & have a lovely time wandering around the different styles of gardens which will be open & at the same time help us raise much needed funds for the many charities we support, of which 100% of the funds raised are distributed. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor or would like to donate to our mega raffle, please contact Open Gardens Convenor Bill Fleming on 96532394 or email: [email protected]

We hope to see you at our next club meeting & to join us for another happy gardening year. Garden Club meets on the 2nd Weds of the month at the Galston Community Centre 37 Arcadia Rd., Galston 8.00pm, new members are warmly welcomed. For other information, visit our website: