galston community news

Galston Garden Club

Well it was a very grey day as a large number of members set out for a ramble last Saturday. Our first stop was to Stuart Weir’s workshop at Pitt Town Bottoms. Stuart is a stonemason and garden artist who also works with metal. His metal pears are gorgeous and the sandstone candle holders proved very popular and quite a few purchases were made. From there we went to the Secret Garden Nursery at the Richmond WS University, where many plants were purchased and we wandered around the markets that were there fundraising for Norwest Disability Services, who also benefit from money raised at out Open Garden Weekend. Despite the showers of rain, it was a great turn out and a great day – especially the Devonshire tea – Yum!

There is a definite chill in the air now, and it has started to feel like autumn at last. Although it was quite a cold night for our May meeting, it was good to see so many members come along and almost fill the community hall room. Begonias – we see them everywhere in gardens, a little bedding plant that we don’t really think about much, but know they are there and give a great display of colour. But like many plants that have been around for what seems forever, there is more to this humble plant than we could imagine. Ross Bolwell from Bloomin’ Greenery Nursery on Annangrove Rd showed us the many varieties of begonias that are available, many that have been developed here in Australia. There seems to be a begonia for every climate and they range in size from the small bedding begonia to the taller varieties, as well as trailing ones that do well in pots to even smaller ground covers. Their uses range from being a beautiful feature plant, great fill in plants among trees and shrubs. The “Undulata” varieties make a good hedge, they will take being planted around pools, the sheltered areas around the house and of course in pots. Begonias hate the frost and wet roots, being a more tropical plant they do well when the temperature Is around a constant 12-30 degrees Celsius, and can be planted in full shade to full sun (as long as they are in afternoon shade).

Our guest speaker on the 12th June will be Stellina Trestrail, the Agriculture and Primary Industries Coordinator from Northholm Grammar School and she will be speaking on Aquaponics. We hope to see you at our club meeting and to join us for another happy gardening year. Garden Club meets on the 2nd Weds of the month at the Galston Community Centre 37 Arcadia Rd., Galston 8.00pm and new members are warmly welcomed. For other information, visit our website: www.

Remember…save the date for our Open Gardens Weekend 19th, 20th and 21st October. If you would like to be a part of this wonderful weekend by opening your garden, or you know a garden and owner we could approach, please contact our Open Gardens Convenor Bill Fleming on 96532394 or email: [email protected]