galston community news

Galston Equestrian Club – Such A Busy Club, So Many Events!

I am sure we are all very grateful for the recent rain which has transformed our paddocks into lush green grass instead of baked dust bowls! It is worth having muddy horses for a few days to see the grass returning so quickly.

GEC Member Samantha Backhouse entered the Horseland 40th Anniversary “Making Memories” competition earlier in the year and wrote about one of her favourite horse memories in 25 words or less, winning a prize of $4,000 worth of Horseland products for her riding club! What a wonderful gift for us! Thank you SO much! Sam has a business called “Patchwork Ponies” and runs Pony/Unicorn parties on her property in Dural as well as special event days. The website is www.Patchworkponies. Sam also competes successfully in dressage on her gorgeous black pony BSP Black Magic.

We had a great group of members turn up for instruction with Suzi Deryk on Tuesday 18th September. In the morning we learnt about being in the moment and mindful with your horse, then gaining their attention before asking them to move which helps build a strong connection with a positive attitude. Members also had private lessons with Suzi in the afternoon to progress what we were learning on the ground into the saddle. GEC looks forward to more Horsemanship days with Suzi in the future.

Our Protocol Day on Saturday 22 September was a great success! Our hard working B grade judge, Vicki Newham, judged ten tests, and after each test, gave the riders expert tuition and advice on how to improve their scores. The results could be seen the next day in our dressage competition, so thank you so much, Vicki, for sharing your knowledge and experience, and making all the training such fun!

Our last dressage comp for the year was an Official Competition on 23rd September. Many riders brought their young horses out for their first competition and they all behaved beautifully, even the two stallions! Even though it was an Official event, it was still a very relaxed day for both competitors and judges. The judges all commented on how much they enjoy coming to GEC and the good sportsmanship displayed by our members who encourage and cheer each other on. Thank you to Pam Dalrymple, Julie Jones, Rachelle Evans, Sue Birch and Emma Cartland for giving up their day to judge for us. Thank you to our wonderful sponsors for 2018, Horseland Dural and CopRice NutriRice Feeds for our terrific prizes. The day ran smoothly because of all the wonderful volunteers who gear steward, marshalled, pencilled, helped in the canteen and did the scoring, as well as pack up the arenas afterwards. It is the wonderful volunteers who make the day such a success and an enjoyable event for all.

As usual, please check our Facebook page and our website for all up-to-date information on all our events. Visit

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