galston community news

Galston Equestrian Club – for competitions and information evenings!

Despite the best effort by the rain, it did not dampen the enthusiasm or the enjoyment of the 60 riders at GEC’s Official Dressage Competition on 25th September, Organised by The Galston Equestrian Club. All the riders had smiles on their faces – including the unfortunate Prep C riders at the end of the day who rode in the rain!. Many riders did PBs and some had their first go at doing a higher level test. A big thank you to our loyal sponsors! Winners of each class went home with a bag of horse feed from CopRice NutriRice, and Horseland Dural provided vouchers for the 2nd and 3rd place getters. We had four wonderful judges who generously gave their time – Penny Wood, Pip Tonkin, Rachelle Evans and Kay Barney. They all enjoyed their time with us and were extremely impressed with the beautiful grounds and how enthusiastic the GEC members were to volunteer to help run the day. The Committee would like to thank the many GEC Members who volunteered and helped run another successful day. It was wonderful to see the many helpers who stayed back after the event to pack up the three arenas at the end of the day.

With only 27 riders, it was a small but intimate Combined Training Competition on 9 th October. It was an unofficial day for riders to try their first show jump round. Everyone was so encouraging of each other and willing to step in and help when needed. Congratulations to our place getters and thank you to our sponsors Horseland Dural and CopRice NutriRice.

Phil and Sue Wenban from Horse Float and Trailer Repairs came to see the jump they sponsored, and Phil was sincerely thanked for repairing our jump trailer, at a very competitive price, as it is now such a pleasure use!

Rebecca Booth gave an informative talk while demonstrating her massage techniques, at our information evening at the Galston Club on 6 th October. The 40 attendees were very interested in how this style of massage could improve their horse’s wellbeing.

We have had such a busy year so far, offering our members so many varied and interesting events and competitions, it is not surprising that our membership has increased by over 50 percent from last year. The feedback from old and new members has been very positive and enthusiastic, which is encouraging for our hard working committee.

Remember to check Facebook and our website for up to date information.

Events coming up :
12 November – Individual Flatwork lessons with Lucas Hurps.
13 November – Car Boot sale and Agility and Equitation with Suzanne Bellette.
27 November – Dressage Competition (Members Only) – entries via Nominate
5 December – AGM at the Galston Club
11 December – Presentations and Christmas party at the RSF grounds

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