galston community news
Turrell Building


The popular Galston Concerts return for 2020 with five ‘Classical and Contrasts’ programs in Galston Uniting Church starting 22 March.

The easy-listening mix of styles combined with relaxed conversational presentation has established an enthusiastic audience for the series.

Complimentary post-concert afternoon teas allow for an added mix-and-mingle chance to meet the performers.

The series line-up of Australian professionals of international attainment offers ‘fine music, fun music’ pleasures.

Programs in 2020 will offer customary variety: 22 March with Three’s Company (soprano, clarinet, piano, strings); Cellissimo on 24 May (massed cellos, piano and organ); a World Music line-up 26 July (harp, piano, guitars and South American surprises); a Beethoven and Blue Danube celebration 20 September (strings and piano).

In an added feature these professional mentors will be joined by star students. Such support of young musicians with paid performance opportunities is ‘core business’ for the series.

The end-of-series Awards Gala 22 November will showcase leading young talents, many from Hornsby and Hills shires, prizewinners in major competitions, to be honoured by Galston Concerts with further awards exceeding $3,000.

Other series highlights new for 2020 will include pre-concert organ preludes on the church historic organ and interludes featuring the concert grand piano to celebrate Beethoven’s 250th birthday year – born in 1770, also ‘the year’ of Captain Cook!

All concerts will start 2pm Sunday afternoons in Galston Uniting Church.

Advanced bookings for the series and separate concerts are available on www.trybooking. com (search Galston). Enquiries can be directed to 9653 2039 or 0428 248 348.

Air Perfection