galston community news

The Galston Concerts

Following The Galston Concerts series curtain raiser on 25 February, we offer a special bonus concert starting 2pm Sunday 8 April, Galston Uniting Church, 11 School Road, Galston, featuring prize-winning Young Performers – organist, cellist and (in a Galston ‘first’) saxophonist plus likely other ‘colours’ new to our concerts – music of the great J S Bach and Telemann from the Baroque, some Australiana contrasts and a few surprises.

This is a free concert to subscription series ticket holders. Tickets to this single 8 April concert will also be available at the discount rate of $25 Adult, $20 Senior, Free HS/Uni Free, Free 0-12 Children – on (search Galston) and at the Church on the day.

Should you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact Helen Jordan, Promotions Coordinator for The Galston Concerts Management Team, on 9653 2079 or 0425 339 841.