galston community news


Bad news first: The Galston Concert scheduled for 26 July in Galston Uniting Church has been postponed due to health restrictions and possible ‘crowd caution’ of the Galston audience.

“After that it’s all Good News!” say Robert Harris and Dorit Herskovits, musical co-founders and concerts team members.

“We’re not cancelling anything. All advertised performers will return, whether later this year or in our 2021 series.”

“Monthly e-bulletins are providing our audience with music news and links to video performances.”

“The late-June bulletin linked to World Music Day, to the Sydney Eisteddfod’s Stage at Home videos initiative and included a you-tube mini-concert from our Young Musician of the Year, Jack Theakston.”

“As special treats our I. T. High Teas will happen near the dates of postponed concerts as a gratis compensation for our audience”.

“As with most community organisations it’s a voluntary team effort which makes our concerts and these adjustments happen smoothly, so our thanks to the Minister, Rev. Geoff Smith, Office Manager Elizabeth Garlick and Treasurer Kathleen Michael at Galston Uniting for adding the concerts to their other duties in these strange times.”

Those who subscribed or prebooked for the 2020 concerts can arrange for refunds or transferring their tickets to the 2021 series by phoning Elizabeth or Kathleen on 9653 2039.

Any wanting to join the concerts database to receive e-bulletins should contact Robert and Dorit, co-directors of the series, on 0428 248 348.

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