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If you are feeling a little stressed or finding it hard to sleep this App may be the solution for you. Insight timer – Meditation App. As an App of the Year Winner – (TIME magazine and Women’s Health) this app provides up to 40,000 free meditation and music tracks. There is also the option to pay a subscription for Meditation plus tracks.

With so many options, the App gives a variety of ways to meditate. You can choose whether you want help with anxiety, stress, sleep or something similar. You can also set the time and change the interval, ambient and ending bell sound for the meditation session.

For those of you with young children there is even a section for parents who would like to practise with their children to help ease their nerves and increase their self confidence.

It has been quite a stressful time for many of us. I have never been one to meditate but this was recommended to me by a friend and I thought it would be an interesting thing to start or at least investigate and it is perfect to be able to do this in the privacy of your own home.

There are over 2 million Apps available. These are just a few that I have found throughout the years of helping people with their Apple devices and computers.

If you are struggling to understand your Apple device, please give me a call and we can discuss One on One sessions. Debbie on Mob: 0418 296 217 or email: [email protected] Website:

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