galston community news

Full Steam Ahead At Arcadia Public School

There is so much happening at Arcadia Public School; we just don’t know where to start!

Arcadia Public School has a brand new OOSH service, operating every morning and afternoon! The service is operated by Northwest Community Childcare – a wonderfully experienced service offering programs focussed on child-initiated play. This Before and After School Care service offers a balance of structured and unstructured activities.

There is a strong, healthy eating ethos including active participation in meal preparation, which is both beneficial and fun for the students. The smiles on their faces while making tasty and healthy apple cinnamon balls for recess says it all! Pancakes for breakfast have also been a real hit!

Meanwhile, Arcadia students love playing in their new state-of-the-art sandpit playground. The new sand-based play space is a credit to all involved, particularly to the Arcadia PS P&C for bringing a range of funding elements together and coordinating the project.

A combination of Julian Leeser’s Local School Community Fund and a generous grant from Bendigo Bank Galston has allowed local landscape experts – Architects of Arcadia and Furnass Landscaping to create a unique play space like no other! Elements include a sandstone sculpture, locally sourced tallowwood climbing obstacles, a wooden boat, a distorted mirror, thick shipping ropes and top-quality sand.

It is a wonderful space which can be enjoyed by Arcadia students and also by Arcadia playgroup attendees. If you have a child aged 0-5 years, why not come along to Arcadia Playgroup, run fortnightly on school grounds, and experience this state-of-the-art play space for yourself?

For all enquiries regarding Arcadia Public School or Arcadia Playgroup please phone 9653 1207.start!

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