galston community news

Glenorie Update

By Dr Peter Gangemi - Mayor of The Hills Shire Council
The following post gives an update on a few Glenorie Matters raised at the recent Glenorie Progress Association meeting, including items in The Hills Shire Plan, the upgrade of Cattai Ridge Road, works on Halcrows Road and the upcoming footpath extension on Old Northern Road

The Hills Shire Plan 
Similar to the Federal or State Budget, The Hills Shire Plan outlines the Council’s plans for the year ahead. For the 22/23 financial year, Council is proposing to allocate $900,000 towards the upgrade of the Cattai Ridge Road/Halcrows Road intersection and $100,000 for the renewal works to the Field 1 Amenities Building at Les Shore Reserve. If you would like to put in a submission on the plan, you can do so before the 25th of May through the council website

Cattai Ridge Road
Council has just completed $600,000 worth of asphalt patching and resheeting between Post Office Road and Boundary Road. Council has also begun works on a $2m Black Spot Project upgrade to improve safety along 9 locations of Cattai Ridge Road (pictured).

The works will include shoulder widening, the installation of crash barriers, extra signage and additional lighting. The installation of guardrails has commenced at all nine sites, with shoulder widening and spray sealing wearing course done at a number of sites. The works are expected to finish in August, weather permitting.

Halcrows Road
The whole length of Halcrows Road was inspected and marked out last week. Emergency patching was carried out at a number of sites with works continuing in the weeks ahead.

Old Northern Road Footpath
A footpath is being installed along Old Northern Road from Schwebel Lane to Les Shore Reserve. Community consultation of the route has been completed, with work scheduled to commence in mid-June.

Update on RFS Works
Hillside RFS is currently undergoing the construction of an additional tanker bay, with the main slab poured and waterproofing, tiling, flooring and painting underway. Glenorie RFS is also receiving upgrades including the installation of lighting fixtures in the awnings, vanity in bathroom and external drainage work. Both projects are scheduled for completion by the end of May.

Glenorie Matters