galston community news

Farewell to our Year 6 Leaders

Congratulations to our Year 6 School Leaders for their outstanding contribution to Hillside Public School this year. Our leadership initiative is an integral part of our school welfare program. At Hillside all year 6 are inducted as school leaders at Presentation Night. Our School Leaders have many responsibilities which enable them to develop leadership and communication skills they carry through to their future life. The leaders conduct all assemblies, represent the school at community functions, run weekly fitness activities for the whole school, organise fundraising days for chosen charities, oversee the PBEL rewards program and are trained as Library Monitors.

This year our Year 6 students have also participated in a preparation for high school program developing skills in teamwork, communication and expectations of high school.

As the school year comes to a close it is a wonderful time to reflect on the many achievements of our students. This year our students raised much needed money charity. During Terms 2 and 3 our knitting club, supported by our school community knitted enough squares to make four blankets for Wrapped with Love.

Academically our students continue to excel in the classroom, in external competitions and in NAPLAN. Every student successfully completed the Premier’s Reading and Sporting programs this year.

On the sporting field once again our students achieved outstanding results both individually and as part of a team. All students have, through Sporting Schools Grants participated in Basketball, Touch Football and Gymnastics programs throughout the year.

Every student is extremely busy rehearsing for our upcoming pantomime Tinsel and Tea towels which will be performed for parents, friends and the local community on Monday 10th December.

Please join us at Hillside at 6:30pm for a great night of entertainment. Everyone is welcome. We also look forward to performing at the Galston Shopping precinct on Wednesday 12th December.

It is also the time of year where we thank our parent body for their unwavering support. Without their assistance and the wider school community our students would not have been able to achieve everything they have this year.

Hillside, where every student is an individual not a number. Do you want to know more about our great school? Please pop in for a visit or call our office on 9652 1459.
