galston community news

Farewell Michael Smith, Hills Grammar Principal

The Hills Grammar community bids farewell to a much loved and esteemed Principal, Michael Smith. Mr Smith served as Principal for almost five years after 17 years as Deputy Principal.

From his first speech in 1999, Mr Smith identified how his values aligned so perfectly with those of the School.

Hills Grammar’s celebration of diversity, as well as its challenges, opportunities and creativity, appealed to this leader and humanitarian, who was to make his mark on student-centred learning, which is fundamental to the School’s mission of fostering each student’s potential for greatness.

Michael Smith was a transformational principal, inspiring staff and students alike, to meet challenges and to actualise the goals inherent in its vision, Extraordinary Education – Extraordinary Individuals. It is a tribute to Michael Smith’s deep and abiding humanity that he made it his personal as well as his professional endeavour to support every child, every family, every member of staff, who was willing to embrace the School motto, Strive for Excellence.

Mr Smith demonstrated his leadership in so many ways. Some luminous examples include the development of the Student Wellbeing Program, the nurturing of an international perspective and the recognition of alumni as partners in learning and as valuable contributors to society.

In Mr Smith’s own words as the newly appointed Principal, ‘We have, in 2017 and beyond, an opportunity to unite and in so doing achieve extraordinary things together.

Hills Grammar has been developed and deliberately created for this purpose – not for its own sake, but to ensure that our students are provided with an environment and atmosphere which is conducive to learning, the discovery of their passions and the formation of their character. This is our task, our challenge and our opportunity.’

He can rest assured that this challenge was more than met, and the staff and students will continue to face the future with the optimism and energy he demonstrated on a daily basis. The Hills Grammar community sincerely thanks Michael Smith for his tireless dedication, energy and humanity over the past 23 years of service and wishes him the best for all future endeavours.