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Eastbend Update

A meeting of Eastbend Rural Communications was held on Monday February 11th. Among items discussed was the backlog of payments due by a number of advertisers in Living Heritage. This is of concern as production of the magazine relies on payments from the various concerns involved. Strategies were discussed to help resolve the problem including seeking more accounting assistance.

There was also a report of a sandmine proposal in the area north of the Hawkesbury River at Freemans Reach. This will be investigated further by members of the team.

A box of old photographs of trees in the ex Maroota State Forest was donated to Eastbend. They include photos and descriptions of the Trees of the Month that were published in a local magazine around the year 2000.

The next Eastbend Rural Communications meeting will be held at 1.30pm on Monday 13th May. If you have any local matters you would like to discuss or have help with please come to the meeting. If you can’t come on the day, feel free to contact the Secretary, Vicki Brownless at [email protected], or Tessa Corkill, at [email protected] or 9652 1470 at any time.

As always, from 1pm there will be a light lunch and time for a chat before the meeting starts. We look forward to seeing you there!
