galston community news

Eastbend update and notice of 2016 AGM

On Monday August 15th there was a quarterly meeting of Eastbend Rural Communications. Items discussed included the ongoing co-operation between Living Heritage and Forgotten Valley Views. The latter newsletter has been included in Living Heritage for the last few months and has been well received. There have been a few problems of non-receival of the newsletter in the areas north of the Hawkesbury but these are being dealt with. Advertising has also picked up so the Living Heritage finances are in good shape.

Eastbend’s Annual General Meeting will be held at 1.30pm on Monday 21st November at the Resource Centre, Maroota Public School. An election will be held to choose members of the Executive Committee for the coming year. If you wish to nominate for any position or have anything you would like to discuss or have help with please come to the meeting. If you can’t come yourself, please contact the Secretary, Pat Schwartz, on [email protected] or 9652-1276, or Tessa Corkill, on [email protected] or 9652- 1470. As always, from 1pm there will be a light lunch and time for a chat before the meeting starts. We look forward to seeing you there!