galston community news

Dural Scouts in Competition Camp

Dural Scouts recently participated in the Oceans 2024 Competition Camp at Glenrock along with groups from other Hills District Scouts.

Scouts were sorted into patrols of 4-6 scouts who competed for a trophy at the end of the camp. Competition points were awarded for the state and cleanliness of their camp, a MasterChef competition where they had to cook for the Leaders, a wide game on Saturday night and a video making contest.

Dural came third thanks to winning the MasterChef comp, special mention to Lachlan for his cooking skills.

When they weren’t competing, the scouts participated in abseiling, swimming in the lake on Saturday and a massive water slide was set up Sunday.

Overall, a good time had by all, and some very tired scouts on Sunday afternoon.

Stage 3 Bushwalking is not a simple Scout Hike walking around the bush!

In early March, on a sunny and rain-free day the Cub Unit set off on a challenging bushwalk starting from Cherrybrook to Galston through the Berowra Valley National Park, covering 10.5 kms.

Everyone was well prepared, they had 4 short breaks and rest time, enjoyed some wonderful scenery and lookouts along the way with some challenging steep ascents and descents.

It was a pretty challenging bushwalk for everyone and I am sure there was a great sense of accomplishment! A big thanks to Nathan our Scout Leader and Parents who supported this bushwalk – and well done to all the Cub Scouts.

Dural Scout Group has vacancies now for Girls and Boys from 5 to 25 years. Joeys (5yo), Cubs (8yo), Scouts (12yo) and Venturers (16yo).

Please contact Phirooza: 0411 731 976 or [email protected] or Simon: [email protected]