galston community news

The Pros and Cons of Selling Off-market

The Pros and Cons of Selling Off-market

The off-market method of sale is becoming increasing popular, where qualified and highly motivated buyers are invited to inspect and make an offer on a property before it is formally listed for sale. In this case, the notice of sale is typically shared with a limited number of property seekers through off-market listing platforms or […]

Vale Paul McKinley: Life and Times of a Local Stonemason

Vale Paul McKinley: Life and Times of a Local Stonemason

It’s sometimes said that everyone dies twice – first when they breathe their last breath, and finally when someone mentions their name for the very last time. In the case of a stonemason, their craftsmanship often lives on for centuries and becomes an established part of the community, enjoyed and admired by successive generations. Paul […]

Meeting Some Feathery and Furry Friends

Wildlife Sanctuary: Meeting Some Feathery And Furry Friends

The Hills Wildlife Sanctuary does exceptional work caring for injured wildlife across Sydney. Julian Leeser MP spent time with sanctuary manager Ben Dessen and some of the feathery – and furry! – residents of the Sanctuary in early March. While the sanctuary is located in Dural, it responds to calls from across northern Sydney. Those […]

Dural Scouts in Competition Camp

Dural Scouts in Competition Camp

Dural Scouts recently participated in the Oceans 2024 Competition Camp at Glenrock along with groups from other Hills District Scouts. Scouts were sorted into patrols of 4-6 scouts who competed for a trophy at the end of the camp. Competition points were awarded for the state and cleanliness of their camp, a MasterChef competition where […]