galston community news

Dural Public School

Dural Public SchoolDural Public School held their annual Colour Explosion Fundraising Walkathon recently on a beautiful sunny Friday afternoon.

This event is a wonderful opportunity for the school community to come together and celebrate the amazing and generous fundraising contributions made to the school.

The Colour Explosion involves students wearing crazy hair, bright colours and a white t-shirt and walk continuous laps around the school perimeter. Teachers spray the students with colourful powder as they walk through which is a major highlight for both students and teachers.

These fundraising efforts assist school staff in purchasing resources for classrooms and whole school activities and resources. This year funds have helped resource the K-2 classrooms to successfully implement the new K-2 English and Maths syllabus.

Dural Public School has a wonderful school community, and we are thankful to all families and friends for their contributions and efforts in supporting our school each year.

The students voted unanimously to hold the event again next year.

Dural Public SchoolDural Public School