James Wallace MP

Dural and District Historical Society

What an interesting and enthusiastic guest speaker the many members heard at our 10th March meeting! Rhonda Davis, curator of the Macquarie University Art Gallery, spoke about the nationally known artist, Margaret Preston and her life while living in Berowra. Members were able to add to the University’s knowledge of Mrs Preston and even exhibit a piece of memorabilia, made by her.

The guest speakers for our meeting on the 14th April were Marie and Barry Palmer from the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust. They spoke on the history of North Head. This talk was a preparation for our tour to the Quarantine Cemetery and the Manly area on the 22nd May. There is still time for members and friends, who would like to take part, to give their names to Michael Bell on 96531365.

Members are looking forward to working with Galston High School staff as they rebuild the local history section of the library, earlier lost in the fire. It is fortunate that the Society exists and is able to assist the school.

The Society’s ANZAC display at the Cottage was prepared for the local service on the 22nd April. As usual this is an outstanding example of the research carried out by our Vice President, Ken Bradley. The person of interest this year is Major Kinnish. The display will remain for a month and is a “must see”.

For your diary: 12th May “The Travels of Gov. and Mrs Macquarie” with guest speaker Patrick Dodd. 22nd May Tour of the Quarantine Cemetery. 9th June talk, “Greek Cafés and Milk Bars” by researchers and authors, Leonard Janiszewski and Effie Alexakis.

Mr. Mend