galston community news

Dural Cubs Learn Housekeeping Skills

On a recent meeting night, the Cubs learnt a number of basic housekeeping skills – Ironing and rolling their shirts and uniform shirt, threading a needle, sewing on a button and a Cub badge on the shirt.

The Cubs were all very keen. They watched how to use a sewing machine, we made a few mess- kit bags, and the rest will be sewn for all Cubs by one of our wonderful mums, Susan.

A big thank you to Gecko for generously donating all the material for the mess kit bags and several mums, dads, a big sister and Grandma Pauline who were present helping out.

On another night Baloo and Jack brought in several billy carts which they constructed for the Cubs. The Cubs were keen to examine them and see how they were made and then they tried them out around the hall until they were comfortable driving them and were ready to race them on the upcoming Fun Day. After their excitement with the billy carts, it was difficult to get them to concentrate on the rest of the night’s activities.

At their meeting the following week, The Cubs learned some skills in camping, including how to set up a tent, step by step. Organized camping is a fun and creative experience involving teamwork.

With a weekend Camp coming up next term, the Cubs are now working towards their Camping badges. We have to always strive to BE PREPARED!

Dural Scout Group has vacancies for Girls and Boys from 6 to 25 years. Joeys (5yo), Cubs (8yo), Scouts (12yo) and Venturers (16yo).

Please contact Phirooza: 0411 731 976 or [email protected] or Simon: [email protected]

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