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Dural Country Lawn Bowls Club News

Dural Country Lawn Bowls Club NewsDural lawn bowlers love a party so when Margaret Holden said she was moving to Queensland a group of Tuesday bowlers decided to take her to lunch.

What a happy gathering it was, the weather was pleasant and the company excellent. Keen tennis followers may remember Margaret

Gallahar from her days playing with the Aussie squad when Margaret Smith was queen of tennis and the bowlers were often entertained with stories from those days. Her ball sense and skill are still evident! The good wishes of the club go with her to Queensland. Her sense of fun will be missed.

Minor singles competition started on the 24th June 2023 at Dural Country Lawn Bowls Club. The finals are scheduled for Saturday 15th July. The newer members are looking forward to winning this limited event.

Anyone interested in playing bowls or having a Barefoot Bowls Party please contact Robert on 0411 375 580.

J&C Rando_trades