galston community news

Dural Country Club Bowling Club Results

Enthusiasm outplays experience at Dural Bowls!

Dural Country Club Bowling Club’s Major Singles Competition was played between Cheryle Hobart and Ann Wilson, two up and coming newer bowlers who defeated some very experienced and seasoned bowlers in order to reach the Final. It was a very exciting and closely fought game with hard working Cheryle Hobart, Club Vice President, narrowly running out winner and Champion.

Jack Attack is coming back! It’s a social-competitive version of bowls that can be enjoyed by all – no experience necessary! Jack Attack is a short, snappy style of play and it’s on Saturday October 15th, 22nd, 29th and November 5 4.30pm at Dural Country Club. To register your team of three contact Robyn on 0416 035 655.

A Bowlers Tale!
John and Wendy Hayes were looking for an activity that would bring some peace of mind and structure into their lives, after 3 long years of Covid restrictions, so they approached Rob Whiddon, President and Senior Coach of Dural Bowling Club, and expressed an interest in learning to play lawn bowls. After 3-4 hours coaching from Rob, both now enjoy playing on Wednesdays with a very friendly group of men and women, followed by a coffee/beer and enjoyable chat after the game.

Anyone interested in playing bowls or having a Barefoot Bowls Party please contact Robert 0411 375 580.
