galston community news
Turrell Building

Dural Bowlers’ First Mixed Fashion Parade

A Fashion Parade with a difference! Not just glamorous models and lovely clothes but handsome gentlemen escorts and a UNICORN! A well dressed unicorn came along to entertain in the quiet moments and certainly added a new dimension to a Fashion Parade.

The clothes and handbags on display from Style Intro Fashions and Alive with Style Bags were very popular and everyone enjoyed a light lunch before taking their purchases home. Because bowlers are young at heart the models finished their show with a dance to Rock Around the Clock.

Since the parade the lockdown has stopped all play or practice and the bowlers are resorting to reading, gardening, eating, television and even housework to pass the days till the greens open.

One member posted this picture and caption, “Uniform pressed, bowls polished, waiting for COVID to end”

Prager Building