galston community news

Dural and District Historical Society Inc. – News From History Cottage

Dural and District Historical Society Inc. - News From History CottageA well attended July meeting heard Malcolm Johnston recall growing up in Kenthurst. Many in the audience remembered converting kero’ tins to buckets and wash basins, broody hens in a cage to bring them back to production, riding on the back of carts and trucks, grading oranges and so much more.

The little communities did for themselves. There was general agreement that, while it was a hard life, it was a happy one and we looked back with fondness. Malcolm’s talk showed us that there is much to value in our local history.

The 12th August meeting will be the annual June Roughley Memorial Lecture (see flyer for details.) This special event is the Society’s recognition of the work of its founder establishing a society to record and preserve the history of the various small settlements that made up the Dural. Each year a leader in research and history presents their work. The Arcadia Community Hall is used to showcase this historical community facility and to encourage its use. A good attendance will demonstrate its value to Hornsby Shire Council.

The Roughley Family has been actively involved in our community for almost the whole of the time sine European settlement and is the subject for the 9th September meeting. The guest speaker and family member, Professor Dr Lesley Harbon, will tell of this connection; how it provided the land for our public buildings, the bequest of Roughley House, the development of agriculture and its intermarriage with so many other early families. It will make for a most interesting talk.

The meeting will be in the Uniting Church, School Road, Galston, starting at 2.00pm. All are welcome, it is free, no booking required, with a gold coin for afternoon tea. Enquiries Michael Bell 9653 1365.