galston community news

Do you remember Fosters Water Hole?

A short while ago I was pleasantly surprised by a visit to Fosters Water Hole. From time to time the Landcare Group does more than work in the catchment, sometimes we just go for a look. On this occasion our group was welcomed by a local land owner who was kind enough to guide us through to Fosters Water Hole.

It was a leisurely trail to the creek but it was obvious the country was covered with woody weed, particularly as we approached the creek line. However, as we hit a break in the scrub, a shallow pool carved from the bedrock sandstone appeared at the head of Fosters Water Hole. It was a wonderful sight. I found the waters to be cleaner than when I last splashed about in them.

Admittedly, a lot had changed to the water’s edge. I couldn’t access the water from the western shore where the ropes used to hang. Privet had grown and now traps debris when creek flows are high; the banks I swung rope from can’t be seen. The sandy beach on the south east end was no longer visible either but I’m sure it’s still under there. All in all still an amazing place.

It’s good to report that the water looks pretty good and out of interest we intend to test it for comparison with our other water quality results from the catchment.

It was such a pleasure to revisit Fosters Water Hole and would like to thank the Dural and District Historical Society and Margaret McKinley for her most enlightening article. She took the History from early documented roots to in the 1890’s to modern day.

From my initial observations I can see a great benefit from restoring the shores of the Water Hole.The effort would be fun and the rewards great if we could once again clear its banks for a swim

It’s nice to know that this old meeting place still exists and with a just little work might just be that Community Water Hole again.

Contacts: email [email protected] ,Nick Chartorisky 9653 2056 or facebook Still-Creek-Landcare

The Landcare Group for Galston, Arcadia, Berrilee and surrounding areas.

Northside washer service