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CWA Winter Warmers Market

Featuring a special winter warmers raffle. Two hot little hampers to be won. Every ticket you buy helps us support the community.

9am – 12pm
Saturday 16th July 2022
Woolworths Round Corner
Dural Mall – 2 Allen Way, Dural NSW 2158

The CWA Winter Warmers Market will have a treasure trove of warming winter goodies on sale right outside Woolworths in Dural Mall, offering an enticing mix of handmade winter fashion, cosy blankets and knee rugs, craft, gifting and more.

This winter has been particularly chilly. Come and grab some winter woollies to see you through the season, and in doing so, help us raise funds for local charities that care for those in need. Every icy night this winter roughly 1 in every 200 Australians find themselves without a safe, warm, affordable place to sleep. One-third of them are under 18 years old.

100% of proceeds from the CWA Winter Warmers Market will go directly to homeless charities in the Hills and Hornsby Shires helping people at risk of becoming homeless to stay securely housed, and those who are homeless to find and keep a home.

Come and support your local not-for-profit and bag a few handmade, one-of-a-kind woollies – warming in more ways than one!

For more details about our fundraising visit Contact: Jann 0439 222 217 or Pam 02 9653 1036 | [email protected]

CWA Winter Warmers Market

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